Our curriculum has been designed around a carefully sequenced bank of knowledge, skills and experiences. It is our belief that each child is unique and should be empowered to be a confident, resilient, engaged, independent, respectful, life-long learner. We work hard to support each and every child in achieving this and excellent academic outcomes.
We design and plan each subject to help children know more and remember more. We focus on teaching children the substantive knowledge, the non-negotiable composites, that children need to draw on in order to develop key skills and make progress.
Through our rigorous monitoring and assessment, including pupil voice, pop backs and checking understanding activities we assess and identify any knowledge gaps. Support is quickly put in place to address these gaps to ensure no child falls behind.
We ensure that children are taught the key concepts and vocabulary, at the appropriate stage of their development, to successfully achieve the defined end points.
Our Inclusive Curriculum
We have high expectations of all pupils and work hard to ensure all children have access to the full curriculum regardless of ability, background, gender and ethnicity. Children with an identified SEN will be supported or extended through targeted strategies such as adapted questioning, scaffolding, pre/post teaching, additional learning resources or interventions to support progress at their appropriate level and to meet individual targets.
Very occasionally special arrangements will be made for an exceptionally gifted pupil or a pupil with complex and significant needs. They may follow an individualised programme of work or may receive additional adult support. We adhere to the school’s Equality Policy and ensure our school does not discriminate against any individual. We are committed to ensure all pupils are adequately prepared for their next stage of learning, whatever their starting points may be.