- Curriculum Information
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- Religious Education
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- Early Years Foundation Stage - EYFS
- Curriculum Overviews
- Home Learning
- Phonics Support
- Year Group Expectations
- British Values
- Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural (SMSC)
- Extra-Curricular Learning
- Outdoor Learning & Forest Schools
- Sport Premium Grant
- Children's University
- Purple Mash
At Beighton Nursery and Infant School we aim to systematically build and layer new knowledge through the use of Charanga Model Music Curriculum Scheme which focus on aspects of the National Curriculum. Children are exposed to inspirational musicians and a variety of different musical styles. They have opportunities to listen to music, work with visiting musicians from a variety of cultures and explore instruments from different countries. Musical activities are often linked to other curriculum areas in which the elements of listening, composing, singing and performing are incorporated. Musical performance are celebrated throughout school and in the local community.
Children are exposed to Specialist Music Teachers from the Sheffield Music Hub and Cadenza4kids to help deepen knowledge. A Music Specialist Teacher will be working with all Year 1 children to deliver the Sheffield Music Hub Vocal Scheme. The Year 2 children take part in the Recorder Revolution programme.
There is an opportunity for Reception and KS1 children to join the school choir. Singing is a unique form of self-expression accessible to all. It promotes self-esteem and emotional well-being and is a fundamental means of communication. Singing together builds a sense of community, and it is evident in most cultures, celebrations and key moments of life. Children have the opportunity to perform in ensembles and whole class performances.
All children at Beighton Nursery and Infant School have the opportunity to learn how to play a tuned musical instrument.
We further enhance the music curriculum through embedding The Model Music Curriculum (MMC) which contributes towards the steadily increasing development of musicianship:
- Singing
- Listening
- Composing
- Performing/Instrumental Performance