Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)
The Pupil Premium Grant is allocated to children from low income families who are currently known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and children who are looked after for more than 24 hours (LAC). In addition, it is allocated to children of parents who are currently serving in the armed forces. Since April 2015 schools also receive Early Years Pupil Premium for families who are eligible.
At Beighton NI School we aim to narrow the disadvantage gap by continuing to improve teaching and learning and removing learning barriers in order to raise the attainment of these vulnerable children.
We continue to develop targeted strategies which will result in pupils, however disadvantaged, being able to have full access to our curriculum through quality teaching and extra-curricular experiences.
All pupils, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, are closely monitored to ensure that they make improved progress leading to narrowing of any attainment gap.
Please see the links below for further information: