Beighton Nursery and Infant School

Beighton Nursery and Infant School
Beighton Nursery and Infant School

Centre of Excellence Offer

Beighton Nursery Infants are proud to have been selected as an 'Early Years Centre of Excellence’.

We offer training and support to Early Years providers, to ensure that they are all delivering high quality, inclusive education, for every child across the city.

Please read on to find out more about the aims of this initiative and details of the offer from our school.






Mission statement 

Sheffield believes that all children have the right to a happy, safe and secure early childhood. Sheffield will ensure the city’s young children are able to access high quality early learning opportunities that are inclusive for all. The Early Years Centres of Excellence will become the enablers, promoting inclusion and supporting the delivery of high quality education and care for every child in every setting.


Sheffield wants to ensure all children are given the opportunity to thrive and develop and that families can access support when required as well as high quality education and care within the communities where they live.  

Families of children under 5 have access to a range of services from health, social care and education. Many families access funded early learning for their children after they reach their 2nd birthday. The take-up of funded early learning continues through the child’s 3rd and 4th birthday and many families are taking advantage of the latest government initiative of extending the funded education entitlement by an additional 15 hours. The city prides itself on offering high quality funded early learning and extended services to many families, meeting their needs through a variety of cross sector provision; school, private provision and childminding.

Our ambitious aim is to regroup provision across the city into locality and community clusters within the East, West and North MAST Hubs working closely together to meet the needs of families, particularly where additional support is required. Existing services, systems and process for families and their children are under review to improve cross professional communication within the concept of developing the ‘team around the family’ (TAF).

Process for early identification of additional need will be sharpened within all early years provision to help all children thrive in learning and development environments appropriate for them. This will be achieved by ensuring the following:

  • Wave 1 – all children have access to quality first teaching. This means quality interactive teaching that is inclusive and able to meet the need of all children through a personalised approach to planning and assessment.

  • Wave 2 – using targeted interventions to help those children requiring additional support to enable them to progress as much as possible.

  • Wave 3 – to introduce the appropriate specialist support where Wave 2 interventions have failed, in a timely way for those children who require this

The local authority has introduced a support and progression pathway to provide clarity to early years providers that can be used alongside the Quality First Teaching Wave 3 approach.

The Early Years Centres of Excellence will make a significant contribution to this ambitious development. The Centres are giving a commitment to:

  • Promote and support the delivery of inclusion, particularly for vulnerable families

  • Lead and develop a working together model across the sectors to achieve strong working relationships and consistency of high quality early learning

  • Develop consistency of assessment across the sectors to secure early identification of additional needs

  • Develop a model of moderation to secure consistently high quality accurate assessment and tracking processes across the sectors for children from 2 years to 5 years

  • Develop an effective transition model with high quality information sharing that ensures children are ready for school and schools are ready for children

  • Develop high quality information sharing across the city, within localities and communities to meet the needs of all children and their families

  • Be at the forefront of the latest research, policy and practice and ensure that this is disseminated across the sectors

Beighton Nursery Infant School Support Offer

At Beighton Nursery Infant School we pride ourselves on our;

  • Early identification of vulnerable families and children

  • Effective transition strategies – to gather all information necessary to enable children to be appropriately supported and be ready to learn as soon as they enter school

  • Effective partnerships with parents to quickly identify any barriers which are preventing children from meeting their full potential

  • Pastoral support within school for our most vulnerable pupils

  • Effective workshops, to share strategies with parents related to positive behaviour strategies, positive relationships, improving well-being and social skills

  • Using a range of learning environments, including the outdoors to meet individual needs

  • Sharing and recording of information within school to ensure no key information is ever missed

  • Detailed programs of support for each individual child, not meeting the expected standard

  • Signposting and working closely with external professionals for families that require more targeted support

Support Day 1

We want to make the support we provide as bespoke as possible to meet your requirements. For the first half day of the support we would come and visit you in your setting, work alongside you and your practitioners allowing us get a real insight into the strengths within your provision that we can build on, as well as identifying the areas that we can support you with, to improve your inclusive practice.

Support Day 2

The second half day of support will start with a short informal chat about what was identified from Support Day 1 and key priorities regarding areas of improvement – with coffee and cake of course!

From there we can begin to look at the range of systems and practices that work for us at Beighton NI School, identifying how we could adapt and tailor these to ensure they meet the needs of your children and families.

Specific areas of effective practice that we will share during Support Day 2;

     Detailed information of our transition arrangements

  • How we ensure children are entering school feeling settled, minimising anxiety and levitating levels of well-being.

  • Ways in which we begin to develop the fundamental relationships with families.

  • How all background information from key professionals and previous care givers is collated, recorded and acted upon, allowing us to provide the appropriate support as soon as the child enters school.

     Pupil Premium Approaches /Support for Vulnerable Families

  • How information is gathered to ensure all vulnerable families are identified quickly.

  • How we organise and effectively use information from one-to-one meetings with all parents/carers of children eligible for Pupil Premium – identifying strengths and barriers within the family and for the child.

  • How we use and target the Pupil Premium expenditure to support individual needs – including case studies. 

    Targeted Nurture / Pastoral Support

  • How children are supported in school through a range of interventions targeted to improve social skills, well-being and behaviour

  • Ways in which we share effective strategies with parents through parent groups and workshops to ensure consistency between home and school.

  • How intervention information is shared with teachers, how progress is measured and evidenced in books.

    At the end of Support Day 2 we will work together to create an Improvement Plan to identify the key actions and set the success criteria to enable you to quickly move your practice forward. You will leave with a clear vision and plan for improvement.  

Dates for Support Day 1



Friday 2nd February

8.30am – 12.30pm

Visit to your setting

Wednesday 14th February

8.30am – 12.30pm

Visit to your setting

Tuesday 6th March

8.30am – 12.30pm

Visit to your setting

Friday 16th March

8.30am – 12.30pm

Visit to your setting

Weds 18th April

8.30am – 12.30pm

Visit to your setting

Weds 2nd May

8.30am – 12.30pm

Visit to your setting

Tuesday 19th June

8.30am – 12.30pm

Visit to your setting

Wednesday 27th June

8.30am – 12.30pm

Visit to your setting

Dates for Support Day 2



Wednesday 28th February


Follow up from Support Day 1

2-2-18 & 14-2-18

8.30am – 3.00pm

Beighton Nursery Infant School

Wednesday 28th March


Follow up from Support Day 1

6-3-18 & 16-3-18

8.30am – 3.00pm

Beighton Nursery Infant School

Monday 14th May


Follow up from Support Day 1

18-4-18 & 2-5-18

8.30am – 3.00pm

Beighton Nursery Infant School

Friday 13th July


Follow up from Support Day 1

19-6-18 & 27-6-18

8.30am – 3.00pm

Beighton Nursery Infant School

  • Please contact Lisa Hindley

    Tel: 0114 2486572


    Address: Beighton N&I School, School Road, Sheffield, S20 1EG